The next release is on Thursday, 12/3, at 9pm PST.
With this release we made updates to Knowledge, Email, Integrations, and Customer Journeys along with a handful of updates to the core platform and bug fixes.
Here’s a quick summary of what's going live next Thursday:
- Knowledge Updates - New theme, homepage customization, bug fixes
- Email - New email parsing and updated HTML display
- Integrations Panel - New integration widget UI and Seismic Integration
- Customer Journey - Updated Journey Stage progression and enhanced UI
- Platform Updates & Bug Fixes
Modern Theme
You can now change the Theme for your knowledge base under Settings > Knowledge > Library. This will allow you to select between the Standard Theme (what you have today) and the new Modern theme. As we highlighted in our previous release, the new Modern theme is a complete overhaul of the knowledge base UI while still using the same content structure you have today. You also still have complete access to customize the HTML, CSS, and Javascript for all pages of your knowledge base if you would like to further customize your site.
Here’s a recap of some of the updates:
- New homepage design
- New search bars and results overlays
- Added a dedicated search results page when a customer taps Enter on a search query
- New sub label pages style labels differently from articles for easier navigation
- Removed the banner from the sub label and article pages. Search on those pages has been added as a drop down from the top nav
- Articles now have dynamic Table of Contents based on H1 tags in your articles
- Updated mobile styling and responsiveness
- Overall reduction of clutter across various elements throughout the site as well as a number of other styling enhancements
Sections & Label Homepage Customization
Previously you could only add a single list of labels to your knowledge homepage that would show up in alphabetical order. With this release we have added the ability to create multiple sections on your homepage and have a custom set of labels in each section, ordered any way you would like. This will provide additional customization flexibility for your teams.
Other Knowledge Updates & Bug Fixes
- Added the ability to upload label avatars of any size rather than being automatically cropped to 64x64
- Updated the Article Revisions dropdown list to hide when you click off of it instead of having to click on the button again
- We now show Article Cards for Drafts on Published Articles to users who have the Edit Article permission. Article counts next to Labels were also updated to reflect these Drafts.
- Fixed a bug that was preventing a user from searching and adding multiple Related Articles while editing an Article
- Fixed a bug where cloned articles would lose styling and images
- Fixed a bug where switching to Code View on the Article editor when the editor had another sub-menu expanded would hide the editor behind the top of the page
- Fixed a bug where navigating away from Knowledge and then back wouldn’t always load the screen
- Fixed broken file previews in Knowledge Library Settings
Email Updates
We are releasing a major update to our email functionality, which should lead to a more streamlined email experience. Most of these changes won’t be noticeable on your average Case but the updates will ensure that your overall experience with email will be more consistent when emailing customers across various email clients.
With this update we are switching to display messages in plain text by default instead of HTML. This will make it easier and faster to read through your messages as well as create more consistency when breaking messages into historical threads. Now when you click on the ellipses (3 dots) at the bottom of an email message it will display the entire email in its original HTML format so you can view content with custom styling or components such as embedded tables. It will also expand the email to be wider when rendering HTML so you will be able to view the emails as they were meant to be seen.
Integration Panel
We are launching our new Integration panel for Cases. This is a new UI where teams will be able to display various integrations to third party systems. These integrations can both receive and send data.
Example use cases include:
- Surfacing specific data fields from CRMs or other databases
- Searching within third party systems
- Sending Cases to other systems such as Salesforce or Jira
- Launching Teamviewer sessions for remote login
- Accessing documents from document management systems
We will continue to add pre-built integrations to our integrations panel and we will also introduce a custom integration block soon where you will be able to create your own integrations.
We are also launching our integration with Seismic, a document management system. Teams that use Seismic will be able to browse, search, and share documents hosted in Seismic without leaving a Case.
Customer Journey Updates
We updated Customer Journeys to make it easier for you to progress a Case through Journey stages and to completion. These updates include:
- Updated the UI of the ‘current stage’ so it’s easier to tell where the customer is in their journey
- Added a button to progress a journey to the next stage from a Case (previously could only progress to the next stage from the Kanban board)
- Added a stage called ‘Completed’ for all Journeys when you move a case to this Stage it completes the journey stops associated data tracking
- Fixed a bug preventing you from adding notes directly from the kanban card
Security and Performance
We continued to make a number of performance and security updates with this release. We optimized queries and updated frontend routing in the new interface to increase the stability and speed of the overall platform. This should minimize errors seen by users.
Core Platform Updates
- Updated our search to match on custom field data - both in global search and when searching for a Customer in column 1 of the Case screen
- Updated the Token content field to Rich Text so you can now add html and styling to your tokens
- Added email addresses after names in the the To and CC field picklists on email threads to make it easier to identify the correct customer/user when you are sending an email
- Added the Category field from the new UX to our dashboard data
- We renamed the Transcript files that are automatically generated when a Case is resolved to be more human readable
- Updated Team Chat search to return Chat Only teams as well as Support Teams
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug preventing users from uploading a new user avatar on My Profile
- Fixed a bug that when you moved a Case to a new Customer the Customer Name displayed as ‘Null’. This also sometimes happened when creating new Customers.
- Fixed a bug where you couldn’t scroll past 25 files uploaded to a Case
- Fixed a bug where Work Orders were saving as Cases
- Fixed a bug where the app wouldn’t load correctly if it was not your active tab
- Fixed a bug that prevented properly expanding and collapsing sections on your My Work screen
- Fixed a bug preventing custom field data on Create screens to not always properly save
- Fixed a bug preventing some fields from not showing on all Integration and Channel configuration screens
- Fixed a bug that sometimes resulted in an endless loading screen when resolving a Case
- Fixed a bug that prevented picklists from properly displaying in Forms in our SDK
- Fixed a bug where adding a webchat widget to your knowledge base wasn’t pulling in your primary color selection
- Fixed a bug where opening a Case from the Case History would result in a blank screen
- Fixed a bug where Forms with more than 20 entries were creating duplicate picklist options
As always, if you have any questions, please email us at [email protected]